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Ämne: Shiftlight på og9-3

  1. #41
    jul 2005

    Jag tänkte med att koppla in Shiftlight när mätarhuset endå är nere för lampbyte. Är det någon som fått till inställningarna i t5suite så att det passar bättre med race inspirerad körning.

  2. #42
    okt 2003
    13 106
    Du kan alltid ställa den så den bara lyser vid ett visst varvtal och inte annars.

  3. #43
    jul 2005
    Det var precis så jag menade. Vilken eller vilka inställningar skall jag justera för att få till den funktion.

  4. #44
    okt 2003
    13 106
    Läs inlägget här ovan så står variablerna

  5. #45
    jul 2005
    Jo jag läste om dom olika inställningarna. Tänkte bara om någon hade ett färdigt recept.

  6. #46
    okt 2003
    13 106
    Så här har jag skrivit i ett annat forum, fast på utrikiska då, och om T7, men symbolerna heter ungefär samma sak.
    So, I mostly do stuff in trionic which is towards better fuel economy and comfort rather than performance (not that I don't want performace ).
    This tuning package activates the SUL (Shift Up Light) and I'll try to explain exactly what the different symbols do and what I have done to them to make better use of the SUL.

    For those unfamiliar with SUL, it's a light in the MIU that lights up when the engine management thinks that a higher gear would be beneficial from a fuel ecenomy point of view. Only cars delivered to the US, and afaik, only some early years have the SUL. For cars without SUL, you have to open up the MIU and put a bulb in the right place. It's easilly located, covered with some black tape, just puncture it and place a standard MIU bulb there and you're good to go. And frankly, you do have a few broken bulbs in there anyways, why not use this as an excuse to finally replace them?

    For T7 (and T5, some of these symbols are the same, but with different name) to be able to use the SUL, there are a few symbols that need to be correct, or it will not work. Bins without SUL activated have preposterous values put in to make sure it never activates even if there's a bulb put in.

    Firstly, T7 needs to know what gear the car is in. There are 2 maps, GearCal.Ratio and GearCal.Range that has to be correct for T7 to be able to calculate what gear the car is in. I have tested the values in this tuning package with both 9-3 and 9-5, the gearbox that has around 45km/h@1000rpm on fifth gear and 17" rims and the gears are correctly recognized.

    Next, the GearCal.m_SULAtGear and GearCal.n_SULAtGear has to be tuned. It works like this: There are 4 values in each, the "top" value is for 4th gear and the "bottom" value is for first gear. There obviously are no values for fifth gear as there are few gears to shift up to, as long as you have the standard gearbox The m-values are airmass and n-values are rpm. Trionic watches the airmass and rpm, when the airmass is below the limit in m_SULAtGear and rpm is above the value in n_SULAtGear for the current gear, the SUL is activated.
    My values are a mix of guesstimates and SAAB standard for bins that do have SUL activated. It's far from perfect, but I'm working on it.

    Next there are 4 symbols that make sure that the SUL doesn't flicker due to rpm or airmass being right at the limit. These are n_SULHyst, m_SULHyst, t_SULTurnOnDelay and t_SULTurnOffDelay. The 2 hysteresis ones contain one value each, and my interpretation is that it's a "range" within which a change is not considered to have happened. I have put them to 10, and it seems to work. For example, if the n_SULAtGear says 1800, trionic considers the rpm still being at 1800 between 1790 and 1810.
    The next 2 are turn on and off delay which is ms before SUL is activated after conditions for on are met and ms after conditions no longer are met until SUL is turned off. I have tuned these to turn on pretty quickly and off after standard time. I've chosen to turn the SUL on rather quickly after conditions are met due to it resulting in more correct use of the SULAtGear-symbols (if the turn on delay is too great, conditions could have changed considerably before the SUL comes on).

    Finally there are 3 more symbols: GearCal.ST_SULEnable, GearCal.T_ActivateSUL and GearCal.n_ActivateSUL
    ST_SULEnable is to activate the SUL-function and has to be set to 1
    T_ActivateSUL is the engine temp at which the SUL function is activated, it's not very useful during warmup.
    n_ActivateSUL is a funny one, it is the rpm at which the SUL will come on on gears 1 to 4 regardless of the other limits, it's sort of an shift light! In bins with SUL activated this is set at 5500rpm and I have left it there for now, it's the easiest thing to change for anyone wanting a shift light at a different rpm. If one wants a "proper" shift light out of this, it would be quite simple to solder some wires at the correct place in the miu and drive a small relay to activate a "bigger" lamp, or maybe high intesity led in the MIU? Or somewhere else, it's possible.

    Finally, you might have problems importing the tp. It works for 46S/55P but there might be problem importing into some older bins where the values look very strange. It seems to me, in some older bins, the values are just not wrong, the symbols themselves are broken.

    Now, go out and put a bulb in your MIU and give me some feedback on the GearAtSUL symbols to make the shift points better

  7. #47
    jul 2005

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