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Ämne: Duty cycle

  1. #1
    sep 2005

    Duty cycle


    Vad betyder Duty cycle?

  2. #2
    Individuell mappning
    feb 2003
    12 568
    Hoppas en förklaring på engelska duger:

    What is duty cycle?
    Duty cycle is the amount of time that the fuel injectors are switched on. A duty cycle of 0% means that the injector is not on at all, a duty cycle of 100% means the injector is on constantly. Duty cycle at idle is normally only a few percent, rising as revs or load increases.
    mer läsvärt finns tex här.

    På svenska hur länge (andel av tiden) spridaren är öppen.
    9000 2.3t A50 -97
    .."If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."

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