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Ämne: question about lead(blyersättning)and best fuel type?help!

  1. #1

    question about lead(blyersättning)and best fuel type?help!

    hello saab friends,
    well i come to you all to ask for some of your expertise. i am always impressed with the wisdom that goes in this forum . I have a 1983 saab 900 turbo with 8valve. when i purchased the car the previous owner said i should add this lead or blyersättning to my fuel. I looked online at specifications for my car and it says unleaded and a lot of people have said i dont need it. does anyone have a car like this and do you add this lead to it. does anyone know anything about what it does and how it effects my car to add it or not add it any help on this topic would be very appreciated thanks for any help. drive safe, drive fun, drive saab!

    P.S. is 98 really better for my car than 95

    I know its a lot of s and i do really appreciate help.......
    live in sweden only speak english for now

  2. #2
    Steg 1
    maj 2003
    1 877
    I´ve worked a little at a gasstation before and from the info I´ve gotten from the guy who delivers the gas, it´s as following.

    The gas pump at your local station is adapted to work with cars that demand leaded gas.
    And the leadsupliment is only a "placebo" product.
    It´s just ordinary "K-Sprit".

    So if I were you, then I would fill up with unleaded and take the car for a spin.

    And about the differense between 95 and 98 gas.
    When I have my 900 T8 a few years ago I started of with 95 and then tried 98. And what a differense. It ran much smoother and didn´t jump around so much when the engine was cold.
    So I highly recommend to switch to 98.

    But, that´s me.
    I don´t promise anything.
    9-5 Aero -01 / 9-3 -99 cab / 9-3 -99 / 900 T16 S -93 (Aero) /#11 605

  3. #3
    Steg 5 Kongos avatar
    jan 2003
    5 541
    Well. All the gasstations are recommending Saab owners with cars older than 1984 to use lead-supplement.

    The reason for this is that your engine has valves that are build to use the lead in the petrol for protection and lubrication.

    Without the lead the valves has not as good protection as they would have with lead so i dont see why anyone would want to gamble and run the engine without the lead when the leadsupplemental are fairly cheap?

    Saab engines (valves) after 1984 are build differently and dont need any lead.

    You CAN run the engine without it, but it problably wears the valves alot more than it would with lead-mixed fuel.

    The choise is up to you to make.

    (And by the way... Ive also worked on a gasstation.)
    Nuvarande bilar: Saab 9-3X XWD 2.0T BioPower -10 || Saab 9-5 Aero SportCombi -04
    Tidigare bilar: Saab 900 T8 -80 || Saab 9000i -87 || Saab 9-3t SE -00 (T5) || Saab 9000i -88A || Saab 900 SET -95 Kongo Edition -Steg3+

  4. #4


    i love all the info. this post is going just like my previous research 50/50
    i appreciate the advice from both above but i still want more opinions so keep them coming, you guys are great for now i continue with it to be safe and i think i will try 98 fuel for my next fill up
    live in sweden only speak english for now

  5. #5
    Steg 3
    jan 2003
    3 515
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av mps
    And the leadsupliment is only a "placebo" product.
    It´s just ordinary "K-Sprit".
    Do you meen that blyersättningsmedel is just K-sprit?
    Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
    9000 CC 2.3T -91
    9-3 SS 1.8t BioPower -08
    Triumph Speed Triple -04

  6. #6
    Steg 3
    feb 2003
    3 654
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Garfield
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av mps
    And the leadsupliment is only a "placebo" product.
    It´s just ordinary "K-Sprit".
    Do you meen that blyersättningsmedel is just K-sprit?
    That is not true, here is a document from MHRF where they analyze the content of blyersättning. Per Gillbrand is one of the experts that is involved in this analyze and I listen to him over a guy that delivers gas to the station (only swedish)

    The end result is that they recommend Hall-Miba blyersättning since it uses kalium (potassium), kalium is the substance that the petroleum companies used in the petrol at the end before they stopped with leaded gas.

  7. #7

    thanks for great info!

    thank you all for your input I appreciate all your opinions. i think i will continue to use blyersättning. i will try hall-miba, thanks for document psycho dave my wife translated it for me feel free to keep posting info here i will check for updates on this topic often......

    oh and i cant wait to fill up and try 98 fuel

    tack så mycket
    live in sweden only speak english for now

  8. #8
    Helt original
    jul 2005
    Isn´t the blyersättning helping with the lubricating of the engine in the older modells? And thats why you should be using it in any older car modell. And the different between 95 and 98 is that the 98 has i lower burningpoint which is helping for exampel cold engines to light the fuel much easier.


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