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Ämne: Is this a new idea and a good idea? Shipping used Saabs from UK

  1. #21
    Steg 1 benny900s avatar
    apr 2005
    1 179
    Lot of text and words over the spare part topic.

    Collect the Saab cars in matter in UK, ad what you have thru internet pages, sell the spare parts people want to buy from you.

    To me it is overkill if you ship the cars to Sweden before you know what parts you can sell. Not only overkill, it’s also all cost upfront.

  2. #22
    apr 2024
    1) The URL that you provided leads me (in the UK) to error 404 page not found.

    2) Whilst I raised Covid I think that I was wrong to start a long debate on it here as it seems to me that opinions are very entrenched and I suspect that a mass of forwards and backwards messages might not form a constructive debate. I am up for a constructive and informed debate but I think that I was wrong to invite that debate in this forum.

    3) My first degree is a science degree and I was taught that scientist are cautious people who try not to over rely upon isolated facts. The absence of studies should not lead to a closed mind. There are such things as empirical data which may come from studies or might come from real world situations e.g. a pile of corpses. For my part a further question arises, given the pile of corpses why are there so few studies?

    4) Having had 3 injections I think that I have demonstrated my open mind to such treatment.

    5) If you like facts, here is a fact, Astra Zenica is currently being sued in London which I believe relates to its knowledge and alleged negligence and the alleged consequences of their actions. The case continues, as I understand the case it is brought despite the legal immunity granted to AZ.

    6) There is a scheme for compensations for injury from the injections As I understand it the scheme has be swamped with claims.

    Interesting times ahead, for those that survive and can fight.


  3. #23
    apr 2024
    Sorry to correct you when you are wrong FinnTurbo but the UK and I presume Sweden (and Finland) probably did contribute to the Greek debt crisis as the obligations to support bankrupt countries (Member States in EU speak) was on all Member States and not simply limited to those with the benefit of the Euro.
    It is interesting how little knowledge the population of EU Member States has about where their tax money goes, but that was one significant reason for the Brexit vote. I suggest that you listen to the Economist and EU supporter Yanis Varoufakis about how corrupt the EU is and he knows, he attended EU meetings as the Greek finance minister and he recorded those meetings and he was then sacked for telling the truth. I agree with 99% of every word that Yanis has ever uttered.

    As confirmation that the UK paid to support Greece in the repayment of German loans that should in any normal situation have been reduced or written off I point you to a BBC article. That article is spun as good news for the loyal UK EU supporters in 2015, it is far from impartial, but is states:

    “But EU officials said the European Commission had legal authority to use it for short-term loans that could be given to Greece as part of the wider 86bn-euro (£61bn) rescue package agreed on Sunday.”

    Again perhaps I was mistaken to invite a Brexit debate in this forum, I can see that I am already receiving push back from


  4. #24
    Steg 1 benny900s avatar
    apr 2005
    1 179
    Pls return to SAAB topic and leave the tinfoil hat discussions to more relevant forum. I am sure Mr D. Trumph like to chat over such.

    1 användare gillar detta inlägg

  5. #25
    Steg 5 Mr.Os avatar
    nov 2004
    5 239
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Paul Collins Visa inlägg
    Sorry for my unclear phraseology, no I am not a criminal and I do not intend to undertake any criminal activities. I meant under the radar meaning not a big new commercial operation supported by advertising and a product launch.
    I understand what you mean, OK. The problem is that anyone breaking the law or rules even unintentionally will become a criminal. I was trying to inform, not accuse.
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Paul Collins Visa inlägg
    If I was a criminal I would be a pretty stupid one to advertise my intentions on a forum where I do not have control over the server, or whatever data backup strategies are in place, let alone all those Swedish tax payers taking screen prints of my words!
    Of course! And if I for one moment thought you were a criminal I wouldn't bother replying

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Paul Collins Visa inlägg
    You may be right that there is nothing special about the UK ! However my understanding of the best forgotten Brexit years is that a lot of the arguing was about reaching an EU-UK zero-tariff trade agreement which I had understood had been reached.
    I have no knowledge about the UK specific Brexit agreements.

    Importing from the UK imply paying swedish customs fees and VAT. Sometimes also UK VAT.
    So we end up paying a total of ((<product price>+UK VAT+shipping) + swedish customs fee on that) + swedish VAT (25%) on top of all that. Plus we have to wait for the package to be processed by the swedish customs. Who by the way are choked by packages from China...
    If we instead buy from for example Germany we pay <product price> + German VAT (15%?) + shipping. It results in a lower cost and faster delivery.

    The practical result in Sweden of Brexit when buying Saab parts has been to avoid buying from the UK and focus on the EU.

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Paul Collins Visa inlägg
    However there probably will be VAT to pay, which the Swedish Government will happily refund to an appropriately registered company.

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Paul Collins Visa inlägg
    Had the UK left the EU but stayed in the Single Market there might be no VAT to pay on goods going from the UK to Sweden and vice versa e.g. those little green cakes called dammsugare (Punsch Roll) that I import by the truck load!

    I am not yet ready to emigrate to Sweden, but it could happen one day in the future! Maybe if I was a criminal I would get free accommodation!
    I´d guess you would be coming for the dammsugare rather than for the jail

  6. #26
    apr 2024
    Thanks Mr O.

    Generally when things are sold for export there is no VAT (sales tax) charged, furthermore the rate of VAT is set by the importing country and never by the exporting country so in terms of VAT it makes no difference where you import from.

    As explained the UK has an EU wide zero tariff trade agreement, that was what all the years of arguing were about. So there is no customs charges of any kind to import good from the UK into the EU, end of.

    A Swedish company registered for VAT will pay VAT on import of the cars and can reclaim all of that VAT back immediately. The buyer of the car parts will pay VAT once, at local rates and the seller of those parts will hand that VAT to the Swedish Government, who will spend it on supporting the manufacturers of Dammsugare.

    The product price as you call it is very relevant. Used cars are much cheaper in the UK than most of the EU especially Germany. I suggest that you look at the YouTube channel LR Time, where some German speakers are constantly saying how expensive Land Rover parts are in Germany and Austria compared to little Olde England.

    Yes little Olde England can't compete with Germany for fast delivery to Sweden, we will lose every time. We are all sitting down eating Dammsugare and we will think about doing some work tomorrow, or better still next week.


  7. #27
    okt 2003
    13 284
    Sigh. Well, yes, there is a free-trade agreement betseen UK and EU, but only for good which are "made in UK" (definition of "made" can be found here:
    SAAB car parts would not be covered, so, customs will apply.

  8. #28
    apr 2024
    Thanks Bollman, sorry to make you sigh, but we are making progress!

    Yes the focus of the free trade agreement was on goods made in the UK or made in the EU but like most rules based systems there are frequently exceptions and discretion. Correct me if I am wrong but Saabs wee made in the EU. It is not clear whether any exception applies to EU Saabs returning to the EU. There is a provision called Returned Goods Relief for goods made in the EU that are being re imported to the EU but the normal time limit is 3 years, but guess what there is an exception. I will have to investigate whether my idea might fit that exception. Equally I suspect that there are other exceptions relating to a Certificate of Origin and Movement Certificate (EUR.1). So the exact situation is far from clear. But from first principles it does not seem to have been the original intention to charge a customs charge to return goods to within the Single Market when they were originally manufactured within that customs union. I can see that I might have to make a number of applications in order to get this ironed out, but I will try not to sigh. I am certainly guilty of an over simplification in my earlier post and I thank you for bring that to my attention. These are exactly the issues that I wished to received views from the forum on.

  9. #29
    Steg 5 Mr.Os avatar
    nov 2004
    5 239
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av Paul Collins Visa inlägg
    Thanks Mr O.

    Generally when things are sold for export there is no VAT (sales tax) charged, furthermore the rate of VAT is set by the importing country and never by the exporting country so in terms of VAT it makes no difference where you import from.
    Right. But some UK companies don't understand this and as a result charge UK VAT on export. Which is wrong, but probably is understandable, still nonetheless annoying when you as a private citizen have to pay Swedish VAT on UK VAT. This could of course easily be resolved in an B2B situation.

  10. #30
    Grundladd Lustgasens avatar
    okt 2007
    Stuvsta, Huddinge
    This conversation is pointless.
    92B Svart -53 x2, 95B -61 Pärlgrå, 99 -69 Custom, 900 TurboS Cabriolet -91 Platanagråmet, 9000 CDE -94 Platanagråmet, 9-5 Vector Sedan Anniversary -07, 9-3 TTiD Griffin -12 Carbon Grey

  11. #31
    apr 2024
    Thanks Lustgasen for your constructive input.

    There is no doubt that there was a point to your post.


  12. #32
    Get back to the topic or the thread will be locked!

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