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Ämne: Living at Trollhattan

  1. #1
    aug 2014

    Living at Trollhattan

    Hello, this is my second topic.
    Like i said here in this topic :
    i am trying to know how o live here, in Trollhattan

    That post is a try to get a meeting with saab entusiastics, here in this new topic (offtopic) i will try to get some help about living here.

    I have some questions, if is possible someone help me, it would be great

    Like i said, in those next 7 days i need to buy a SAAB for my sister... I would like to buy a b204 / b234 - 9000 / 900 / 9-3... but she whants a SW so i will need to look for a 9-5sw b207 T7. That still be a good SAAB :P i am just afraid from oil sludge...

    About my qustions, i have a few:

    1 - Buying a SAAB here in Sweeden how much Taxes i need to pay? and what kind of taxes? In Portugal we have a circulation one.

    2 - About Insurance, were can i find a good one and normally how much should i espect to pay for it?

    3 - I am in the heart city of SAAB, i guess i will not have troubles to find some SAAB garage or someone that can help us to solve some problems. In Portugal we do it at home, but i´m returning to Portugal at 9th August then my sister must take the car to some Garage to maintence and repair.

    4 - Still talking about garages, there is any Do It Yourself garage close to here that rent us the tools and elevator so we can make the job?

    5 - About parts, were can i find it? In Portugal i normally buy everything from NeoBrothers and PartsForSAABs, being in sweeden do i need to still buying it from England or i can get better prices here in ProPrats or similar?

    6 - About Highways, in Portugal we need to pay them, we have eletronic readers that knows when we go inside and outside from the highway and charge it for us. Do we must to pay with the same system here, or like in others contrys we need to pay a Tax to run on highways?

    7 - Car licence plates and car registry, were can i do the regist of our new saab here in Trollhattan or Gothenburg?

    Thank you very much for your time and sorry for all those questions :|
    Hope to learn sweedish one day to help someone here too

    Pedro Silva

  2. #2
    Steg 3
    aug 2009
    3 472
    Hi Pedro,

    I am not used to the term SW (guess most people here are not). SW = SportsWagon? The common terms in Sweden are SportCombi and SportSedan, check

    Oilsludge is not a problem with B207. Oilsludge can be a problem with B205 and B235. If you will buy a 9-3 or 9-5 with any of those engines there are tons of information what to look for but you are probably well aware of that already. If you go for a 9-3 from 2003 or later you will get the B207 engine and you can forget about oilsludge (if oil and filter was replaced according to the service plan and the required type of oil was used).

    The old generation 9-5 (og9-5) use B205 or B235.

    The latest 9-5 is sometimes discussed here with much different experiences. Most people love to drive it. Some people have mainly positive experiences from that model but quite many have had various problems. My impression from many posts here is that the most common advice is not to buy. (this statement should generate more input). I have no own experience from any of the 9-5:s, only the two 9-3:s and older Saabs.

    I can only answer some of your questions as I live 400 km from where you are.

    1. The tax is included in the price when you buy a new car. You don’t pay any separate tax when you buy a used car.
    2. Check at least three insurance companies. I pay about 5600 kr per year for a full coverage insurance at If. The insurance cost varies a lot and is seldom logical. Some other insurance companies: If the offered cost differs very much, the conditions are perhaps not comparable.
    3. Someone local must answer, shouldn’t be a problem.
    4. –
    5. Strangely enough, NeoBrothers is my main source for parts, often half the price compared to other sources. Other useful sources are “Hedin bil”, the main reseller of genuine parts, and Sometimes a used part is the best choise:
    6. No tax on highways here. You pay an annual tax for most cars, around 2000 SEK for a petrol car, diesel is more expensive, check before you buy. You pay a specific tax inside the cities of Stockholm and Göteborg but nowhere else.
    7. Every car has an official document called “registreringsbevis” (eng. registration certificate). Check that document before you buy. Check that the official owner is the same person who sells the car, check ID. Check that the car is fully paid before you buy or you can be required to pay it again to a credit institute. If everything is ok, you fill in part 2 of the registration certificate and mail that to Transportstyrelsen and they register you (or your sister) as the new owner. You will probably need a Swedish social security number to be able to register the car.
    The licence plates stay on the car, you only have to send part 2 to the authorities.

    It will be much easier if some kind person living close to you can guide you with the formalities and basic things to check.

    Good luck and regards,

  3. #3
    aug 2014
    Tommy, many thanks about your answer

    Sorry about the SW, in Portugal we call it SportWaggon, but yes, i reffer to the bigger model with the bigger trunk so my sister can go shopping... lol .
    My mistake... i know the engines and fuel magements... big mistake of me in last post :P
    atmosferics and v6 - motronic bla, bla, bla - lol - dont like it...
    b202 - jetronic lh 2.2 / 2.4 / 2.4.2 - 9000 / 900
    b204 / b234 - trionic 5.2 / 5.5 - 9000 / 900 / 9-3
    b205 / b235 - trionic 7 - 9-3 and 9-5
    b208 - trionic 8 - 9-3 sport sedan / sport combi

    then the diesel engines (i dont like it also) - z19dt / z19dth - bosh edc16 and the older ones with edc15 and psg16.... i dont really like diesel cars :P

    My mistake was the Trionic 7... then i wrote the engne b207 instead b205.

    All cars can suffer from oil sludge if they had a bad maintenance... unfortunately b205 / b235 suffer badly because crankcase ventilation system

    Hope you dont mind that i make new asks based on your answers :|

    1 - ok, understud, thank you.

    2 - About the insurance thereis any agents that we can talk "face by face", from internet it will be more dificult for us

    3 / 4 - thank you, waiting for someone close by here.

    5 - thankyou for the urls

    6 - were can i pay those 2000 SEKs? if i go inside Stockolm or Göteborg i must pay that extra tax too or is only for who lived there?

    7 - thank you, that helped a lot, and it is in english, i will read it carefull, thank you.

    Hope to find nice people here
    hope to learn a lot with you guys also

    Senast redigerat av TesZero den 2014-08-04 klockan 20:08.

  4. #4
    Steg 3
    apr 2009
    3 445
    Some answers to your questions:

    There's no specific tax to be paid when buying a used car. However for all cars less than 30years old there's a yearly tax to be paid by the owner. The tax depends on the car's fuel type and CO2 emission level or wheigt, for a 9-5 Wagon on gasoline the tax is in the 2000-3000SEK/year range
    range (depending on engine and gearbox).

    The yearly tax only applies to cars registered as "in circulation" (=i trafik). If it is out of circulation (=avställd) you don't pay the tax but you're not allowed to drive it on public roads.

    If you buy a car that's avställd (which they typically are if you buy it from a dealer, you will receive a bill for the yearly road tax as soon as you register it as "i trafik".

    Regarding licence plates, they follow the car and not the owner (=same license number for the entire life of a car). When you buy a car, the seller has a yellow form that comes with the car that needs to be filled out in the "owner change section. Then you mail it to the transport authority and after af few days you get the proof of registration sent to you, including the yellow form you will use the day you sell the car. The owner change form can in some cases be filed.electronically, car dealers do it and particulars can do it using an smartphone app.

    Regarding insurance, it's a jungle and the only way is to phone different insurance companies and check their rates. The cheapest company for me could be the most expensive for you.

    In Sweden, the only compulsory insurance is the "trafikförsäkring" that covers damage on other's cars if you're considered to have caused the accident. Other levels of coverage are "halvförsäkring" (includes trafikförsäkring) covering theft, broken glass and other things that can damage your car not caused by your own driving and.finally "helförsäkring" which covers everything including damage to you car due to your driving.

    There's no highway tax in Sweden, but the cities of Gothenburg and Stockholm have taxes in their city centers. A camera records your license plate when you drive in and out of the city center and once every month you get a bill where all your city entries/exits are summed.
    Senast redigerat av jellybear den 2014-08-03 klockan 17:00.

  5. #5
    aug 2014
    JellyBear, many thanks fr your help.
    As i am seeing, the anual tax is like in Portugal, we must pay a tax every year depending on the car. In Portugal a 9-5SW should pay something like 1500 kr anual... more or less... But here they are very less expensive

    In Portugal we also have the same plates system, they belong to the car information.

    Ok. i think i am understandig the system to buy a car
    how can i know if it has a credit to be payde? there is a record in it decomentation?

    About the insurance i will start to dig a little bit abut it, trying to find companys.

    About the higways i am very happy to know it In Portugal they are all payde and they are expensive...

    So, i dont need to mind about Gothenburg and Stocholm, if i go there, they will send me the bill and i pay it, simple

    Many thanks for both again

    Just need to know now about garage and servicing here in trollhattan


  6. #6
    Steg 3
    apr 2009
    3 445
    Good link: https://fordonsfraga.transportstyrel...natfordon.aspx
    (enter the license number and the anti-bot code) and you'll get a lot of information. It will say "kredit" if the owner has a mortgage with the car as security.

  7. #7
    aug 2014
    Thank yu for the link, it helped a lot.
    Here we can see a lot of information :|
    even chassis number... cool

    I saw this 9-5:
    not a kombi but it have a big trunk also...

    by the link it is a avställd type and you said:

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av jellybear Visa inlägg
    Some answers to your questions:

    The yearly tax only applies to cars registered as "in circulation" (=i trafik). If it is out of circulation (=avställd) you don't pay the tax but you're not allowed to drive it on public roads.

    If you buy a car that's avställd (which they typically are if you buy it from a dealer, you will receive a bill for the yearly road tax as soon as you register it as "i trafik".
    this tax you talked about is that 2000 - 3000 sek ? or anoter circulatin tax?

    thank you one more tme.

  8. #8
    Steg 3
    apr 2009
    3 445
    In the car registry (the link I gave you) there's a few interesting facts that answers your questions. I guess it could be a bit hard to understand everything since it's in swedish though... ;-)
    - The yearly road tax for this specific car is 2420 SEK.
    - The road tax for this car is due in May every year
    - Since the car is out of circulation ("Avställd"), you will receive a bill where you have to play 2066 SEK the day you put it back into circulation. This is the proportion of the yearly road tax until May next year (ten months left, i.e. 2420*10/12 = 2016 SEK + 50 SEK in administrative fee). Then every year in May you will get a bill of 2420 SEK (plus some small administrative fee).
    - The last time the car passed the yearly technical inspection was August 1st, 2014 (i.e. last friday). It is due for inspection again latest April 30th, 2015.
    - At the last inspection, the odometer in the car stated 305088 km. In other words, it's a well used car... ;-)
    - It has had 11 owners since its first registration in sweden. In other words, a new owner every year (almost).
    Senast redigerat av jellybear den 2014-08-03 klockan 21:12.

  9. #9
    aug 2014
    Jellybear, many, many, many thanks...
    this post helped me a lot.

    this system you have is very nice when you need to buy a car
    Portugal should have the same

    thank yu very much, now i will look up for a nice and "cheap" 9-5 / 9-5 kombi, if someone know here close by till 10000 sek just notice me.

    Still waintng for trollhattan people infrmations about garages / servicing
    i pay the beer / coffe :P

    regards and thank you

  10. #10
    Steg 3
    aug 2009
    3 472
    If you want to keep the cost down, I think a car with 300 000 km on the odometer is a bad choice. It is generally better to pay a bit more for the car unless your sister can find a cheap garage and likes to spend a lot of time there.

    Here is one example, wrong part of the country though:

    A 9-3 is probably a little less expensive to keep going. The trunk in the 9-3 is pretty big.

    You can use and narrow down your search. Try to set the maximum distance (sv. Miltal till) at for example 14999 (1 mil = 10 km) and the maximum price (Pris till) at for example 20000. Start with the scope for the search at Älvsborg and change to “Angränsande län” or “Hela Sverige”.

    Example of hits that I get right now:

    The last example looks very interesting. Only 105 000 km. Only one owner. A bit far from where you are, 340 km.

    Keep searching and don’t buy a wreck that will cost a fortune to keep running.

    One more thing, avoid cars with trim/tuning kit for more engine power if you want to minimize cost and potential problems.

  11. #11
    aug 2014
    Hello Tcarlsson, thank you very much for your help.

    I know 9-3 is a good car, the problm is that what my sister drives in Portugal, they want something diferent.
    I will follow yor leads with, many thanks.

    Yes, i always avoid tuning cars, i see a lot of wrong thing done in Portugal... then... bronken engines...

    If the owner comes to meet me, its not a problem for distance, besides... is dificult for us to move arounf here by train / bus.

    thank you for the tips.

    Still waiting for Trollhattan saab fans


  12. #12
    Steg 3
    aug 2009
    3 472
    The two gas stations OK and Statoil close to where I live rent small cars for only 229 SEK per 24 hours including 100 km. Perhaps useful if you need to go to remote places to look at cars for sale.

    Regards Tommy

  13. #13
    aug 2014
    Yes, i was looking for car rental close by here and i found Statoil stations, but they asked me for a Swidish Car Licence and i have only a Portuguese / European licence, but they didn t accepeted.
    I found another station that rent it, so if i need, i now know were to get a car

    Thanks for all the information

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