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Ämne: ICM3 - hackingtråden

  1. #41
    apr 2012
    Jag har skaffat samma kabel som du länkat till, vände kortet om och räknade 12 från höger. Men har man kontakten uppe eller nere så kan det ju bli galet, vilket det säkert har blivit för jag är inte f*n till att kunna kommunicera med enheten. Men den startar osv som vanligt, så det är nog bara fråga om att jag tagit fel stift eller gjort ngt annat galet. För sedan är det bara att koppla in vardera kabel på RX kontra TX på FTDI-kabeln, ställa in Putty på de inställningar du snackade om innan? Drivrutinerna löste datorn själv, jag kör Windows XP SP3 (tror jag, är en gammal laptop som används just till sånt här).

    Här är en bild på vilket håll jag började räkna från, fast givetvis var CPU:n uppåt, och kontakten då nere i högra hörnet eller hur man nu ska säga

  2. #42
    okt 2003
    13 112
    Aj, justja, det beror ju på vilket håll man håller kortet… :/ Fast jag skulle nog gissa att jag hade tänkt mig din pil som vänster, oavsett. Jag har för mig de sitter närmare andra sidan för att vara riktigt jäkligt.
    Sen är det som sagt, pinnarna precis på var sin sida. Så, på bilden ovan skulle jag säga pinne 12 från vänster istället.

  3. #43
    apr 2012
    Dåså, då har vi ju lokaliserat felet
    Bara att plocka isär, göra om och göra rätt. Ska försöka ta en bild på det när jag lödit ihop det, så andra kan kolla på om de också vill in och "mecka" med sin ICM utan att behöva göra fel på lödningarna

  4. #44
    apr 2012
    Ursäkta bildkvalitén, men detta bör väl vara rätt då? En kabel på var sida om kortet, och 12:e pinnen från vänster på den här bilden. För det "intressanta" nu är att den knappt vill starta, så fort den försöker starta själva interfacet så störs radion ut. Om jag nu gjort rätt så långt så bör väl det indikera att det ligger något skit på kortet som kortsluter?

  5. #45
    okt 2003
    13 112
    Jag ber om ursäkt. Nu när jag ser det så måste det vara pinne 12 från höger på denna bild, helt säkert.

  6. #46
    apr 2012
    Gjorde om och gjorde rätt nu ikväll, men nu ger jag upp för idag. Har fortfarande inte ens fått den jäkeln till att vilja prata ordentligt med datorn. Jag har däremot testat av kabeln med en annan TTL-historia, och där så kommunicerar dem precis som de ska. Utan frågan är om det fortfarande inte är rätt pinne i enheten, eller om det är några andra inställningar som jag måste tänka på? Hur gjorde du när du körde detta första gången?
    Här är lite bildbevis Har givetvis mätt och det är inte kortis mellan några andra stift, enheten fungerar utmärkt i övrigt nu när jag är på rätt (?) pinnar. För när jag hade dem som på bilden innan så ballade enheten ur så fort jag ens kopplade in kablarna

  7. #47
    apr 2012
    Efter en del otålighet och funderande så löste jag det själv. Jag har ju försökt ansluta med enheten i bilen, då går det inte att snacka med ICM:en. På skrivbordet går det klockrent, nu jävlar ska vi hitta på något roligt med den rackarn!

  8. #48
    apr 2012
    Ny fråga: Det är ingen av er som har lekt med en ICM3 innan som råkar veta vart man ska koppla in sig för ev TCP/IP? Tror att jag har hittat applikationer som kan kommunicera med NFS, där den även försöker ansluta till vissa IP-adresser. Givetvis utan framgång eftersom jag inte har något inkopplat på nätverket

  9. #49
    maj 2014
    Hi, do you mind changing thread language to english?
    I have two ICM3 to play with. Yesterday I connected older one (2003) and played with it a bit. I found great thing that you can place sh file on disk in DVD and it will be run at ICM startup!
    On my unit I dodn't find obd tool. Where is it located on yours?

    Cheers mate and greatt finding!

    I know this is Swedish forum, but please don't get me wrong - I read whole thread translated via google translate. I don't mind doing this for next posts.
    I only suggested such change for further posts as this great finding might bring quite much to our cars and it's just easier to omit translation problems with technical talk this way.
    I don't know what You guys found beyond what's written here, but this might be good opportunity to exchange knowledge.

    Thanks to this finding I changed logo in my ICMs and made CD so that you can do this without soldering anything. Next step seems to be dumping whole flash memory so that Tech 2 SPS programming will allow for easy recovery in case of some problems.
    I seen few ICMs with only "Loading system..." that would benefit greatly with this.

    I also discovered that there are at least two versions of ICM units. Ones with NAV button and ones with graphical Phone button (they also does not have Wap browser). They also have somehow different hardware, but this more important if we talk about feeding custom video for LCD.
    Older ones does not have obd binary, have different filesystem structure and have some leftovers from development (raw XML files for UI Layouts).

    Of course if you want your forum to stay as this was up till now I'll conform to your wish.

  10. #50
    okt 2003
    13 112
    Well, we are always interested in the findings of others! Not all here are comfortable talking about technical stuff in English though. My suggestion would be that you continue to write in English, and we in Swedish. If there are any troubles with a separate translation, I'm sure we can work that out.

  11. #51
    okt 2003
    13 112
    I make a sidestep from my own suggestion and ask directly if you found out how to turn off the logging to the terminal?

  12. #52
    maj 2014
    Yes. I did ;-)
    If you mean messages about system time - this should help:
    verbose -v 0 -n systemmgr

    There're also other subsystem which you can "mute" - usually their name is at beginning of message. Just change -n parameter.
    I also found quite informative changing verbosity to higher level with:
    verbose -v 3 -n subsystem
    There are names of functions which are called sometimes with parameters.
    Senast redigerat av bojer den 2014-05-20 klockan 13:37. Anledning: add more info

  13. #53
    okt 2003
    13 112
    There you go, of course. Should have figured that one out Will come in handy next time I fire it up for testing

  14. #54
    maj 2014
    I look forward to get some nice results from you ;-)
    I played a bit with obd tool, but I did not get anything interesting. I'd be happy to get car's VIN with this.
    Unlocked QNX SDK would come handy. ICM is using standard UI library called Photon. It should be possible to write some bin to display Text on screen.

  15. #55
    maj 2014
    I finally found some time to look around and found something interesting ;-)

  16. #56
    okt 2003
    13 112
    Right, so, the command states that it can print to the ICM3 screen. Is that how you did it, or did you find a way to get the output to the screen instead of using the serial port? That would make things a lot easier, if one could find a way to send the commands.
    It would be great to be able to explore the ICM3 a bit more without having to use the serial port.
    The "holy grail" would be to make a new (or change the old) application for navigation to accept other formats that SDAL, OSM would be awesome!
    Somebody who worked with the development of the application should be around and have some info. Nowadays, I don't Think SAAB minds one bit about what happens to the ICM3 software...

  17. #57
    maj 2014
    App is used for flashing whole icm3 firmware. It has this -g param that enables it to print stdout to icm screen. It looks like it writes directly to screen (original controls are still there and show on button press). Right now I try to decompile this bin and check how does it work internally.

    Using serial to enter commands is ok for me (I can use some dev board to send them for me later), but getting output without serial device would open up a lot of possibilities. One could display some engine parameters or weather or SMS from mobile phone... I'd like to be able to display some text/icon on SID to enable something similiar to eSID in newer models too.

    Changing verbosity level you can easily get info then buttons are pressed on serial and some microcontroller can then issue some commands.

    Geting some saab devs with informations would be awesome and very welcome. They usually put mentions on their profiles that they worked on saab infotainment so it may be good idea to poke them and ask ;-)

    Edit: oh and navigation you mentioned - i prefer video in for this. You can get google maps or better online nav this way.

  18. #58
    okt 2003
    13 112
    Just using the screen isn't really what it's all about. The directions in SID is great, that is something I wouldn't wanna be without for the world.
    OSM is free, fully capable maps, updated often and maintained by lots of people. I'd like to believe that the map data wouldn't be too difficult to actually port to SDAL since that is a free (well, sort of) format just as OSM, but having native support would be great.
    Just being able to use OSM data would mean that one could burn a navi-disc ever so often, and just include the countries you need, so no need for expensive DVD-R-DL-discs.
    Anyways, all info is good info here. I wonder if there's some kind of video pass-through that one could get to, to be able to view video, like a rear view camera.
    Also, maybe it would be possible to decode video in the system, problem might be that the CPU is not up to the task...

  19. #59
    maj 2014
    Decoding and playing videos on CPU does not seem possible unless you use some special format.

    Using older ICM3 version I managed to use generic car multimedia adapter to connect rasberry pi. It has also camera input and auto switch on reverse.
    Newer ones use separate Horizontal and Vertical sync signals instead of csync so it does not work :/

    I don't know about OSM, but SDAL is open format and you can read about what and where is in sdal files. I read through this and decided that creating converter is not worth it.

  20. #60
    okt 2003
    13 112
    Convert from what? Most other formats are closed source and difficult to decode/convert. SDAL is used in a lot of GIS applications so the format is well known and used. There has to be converters in place to/from other formats to SDAL already. I have a friend who is a very good programmer and he has offered to help as long as I can produce detailed documentation on the 2 formats.
    I would say, of all the things one could do with ICM3, the OSM->SDAL converter is really what I long for the most. The last map DVD known to exist is from 2010, and that starts to get very old. All of todays in-car-navigation systems use proprietary formats and the turnaround for maps are way to long. Being able to use OSM would make the 03-06 ICM3 the best navigation on the market (well, no longer on the market...)

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